Grupo Consorcio – Compromiso

We work for
the world we want

We form part of a global movement with one clear objective: using business power to develop a more inclusive and sustainable economy.

B Corp™ certification

This refers to a change in our way of thinking, a cultural change that redefines our corporate responsibility. We know we’re not perfect, but we are committed to doing everything we can to create social and environmental value.

As a B Corp™ certified company, we meet the highest standards for social and environmental performance, transparency and business responsibility and we work hard to reduce inequality, lower poverty levels, promote a healthier environment, strengthen communities and create high quality jobs with worth and purpose.

Consorcio - Certificación B Corp™

Contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals

What you see is what you get, and we like to keep our promises. Since 2016, our transformation path towards sustainability has been centred on each of the Agenda 2030 goals, emphasizing areas that are relevant to our sector.


Sustainable fishing

We work hard to preserve fish and the ocean and respect the families that depend on fishing as a way of life, ensuring responsible, controlled and sustainable fishing.

  • SDG 14
Grupo Consorcio – Pesca sostenible
  1. Prioritise the supply of certified sustainable fishing.
  2. Help improve sustainability and innovation in the fishing and canning sector.
  1. “Responsible conversations for a sustainable future” cycle as a space for insight between the relevant agents from Cantabria and the canning sector.
  2. Annual increase of purchase of MSC certified tuna, albacore and anchovies.
  3. 100% sustainable MSC certified line in the national market.


Back to our roots

We are completely transparent about the journey that our products take from the sea to your table, demonstrating that we take care of every last detail in our production process.

Back to our roots

  • SDG 12
  • SDG 14
Grupo Consorcio - Viaje al origen
  1. Offer complete traceability of the supply and production chain.
  2. Make consumers aware of responsible production and consumption.
  1. 100% traceability of Consorcio products via the “Back to our roots” website.


Opportunities for the future

We offer our workers opportunities for development and professional and personal growth.

  • SDG 8
Grupo Consorcio – Oportunidades de futuro
  1. Offer professional, skills and personal training tools.
  2. Promote a secure, inclusive and healthy working environment.
  3. Facilitate family and work conciliation.
  1. Family and work conciliation centre.
  2. Internal equality plan.



We maintain stable, close relations with our suppliers and collaborators both locally and in our surrounding area.

  • SDG 8
  • SDG 17
Grupo Consorcio – Proximidad
  1. Promote stable and fair-trade relations, preferably local.
  2. Contribute to local social and economic development.
  3. Encourage local and inclusive recruitment.
  1. Corporate volunteering programme.


Lowering environmental impact

We respect the environment and natural resources during our production process, reducing our environmental impact to an absolute minimum.

  • SDG 12
Grupo Consorcio – Impacto medioambiental decreciente
  1. Guarantee correct and efficient environmental management that minimises use of natural resources.
  2. Promote the circular economy in the production process.
  1. Zero plastic project: eliminate single-use plastics from the company.
  2. Calculate and record the company’s carbon footprint.
  3. Sustainable packaging project.
  1. Promote responsible, well-informed, ethical and transparent management.
  2. Obtain the B Corp certification
  1. Training on sustainability for the management team and middle managers.
  2. Sustainability report.
  3. 2020 sustainability plan
  4. Sustainability indicator measuring system.
  5. Non-financial statements report.